Author Archives: d.perry

“‘Lingering’ is about new love, entering that fragile plane, shared pleasure, returning to the stasis of a room, of an apartment in a city that is always moving. Objects sitting and hanging. Wanting something, but not wanting to want anything. Crossing the street. A nice day, a nice moment.”


Last American Hero

1. F-150 as energy drink worship temple / F-150 NIGHT EROS AT THE HIGHWAYS END

On a lost highway underneath the desert skies, where the roar of her voice is heard. The energy enhanced gladiator wishes to merge as one with his girl. His tongue ring glows underneath the Reno moon. Her silver silence begs for his pleasure. He can hear her call deep within his being, as the desert clouds roll on over his metal slave. She submits to be parked and the shadow of love is among them, piercing through the second guesses that call. In a world no other could so touch him as the love between the gladiator and his girl. That Mojave sun came riding over them and the night’s binge as one at the highway’s end.


A blacktop tumble weed rolls around the dried tar only a dream of it’s master blowing in the wind. From the hand of the gladiator who now hunts for a dream, a flat screen dream, galvanized by a stucco psychochemical absorbed ego master slavery, he breathes. Dr. OXidizes the memory. He will never forget. Crafted by the green juice he is reborn the alpha hunter, psychosomatic pedal distortion sounds in his head. A warp of thirty screams before God Head is fully shocked into being. He is naked on the asphalt earth, owning reality. In his desert of adrenaline the nomadic mind continues forever repenting in a mantra program, “I am Halo”


A group of humans presumed lost for the last decade and a half were found alive camping out in the back recesses of a Costco Super Market. After being lost deep inside of the Costco building for weeks without any outside contact, they finally started the settlement of “No Fear”. Those with cell phones said they had no reception inside of the building cutting them off from any communication with the outside world and gave up hope when their batteries finally lost all of their charge. They hunted for food samples to survive. Children born within the settlement had no conception of a world beyond the Costco building having their own developed language and significant biological alterations. The survivors have expressed to the media a type of spiritual respect for the Costco Center as a sustaining mother nature type provider bio-dome.

National public executions of MLB steroid warriors.

Judge Judy’s guilt fetish simulation.

Dr. Aulus Cornelius Celsus opens new treatment center in Beverly Hills

worlds of adrenaline infused reality…

the front cover (JUDGE JUDYITE IN SODOM AND GOMORRAH) represents the programmed citizen and the process of it’s logical sequence as visible from the working creative inner ego of the program (the living human host’s perspective) in a snapshot form in the empty world created by the MODERN Gomorrah temple BEST BUY™ plaza center.
the back cover represents the same idea but this one exhibits the inner head perspective of the “LIQUID ENERGY ENHANCED GLADIATOR IN THE DIGITAL COLOSSEUM A.G.*
* After Google

Kite: Listening is not a practice, but the practice of the unattainable. In that possibility of making anything—like new knowledge, where the act of listening becomes endless—you can only hope to hear something during each repetition of whatever it is you’re listening to. You only find the repetition through prolonged listening—it’s like having an extended ear and waiting for the pattern to show itself. Learning something new, listening to Elders, experiencing horrible things and experiencing really good things are some examples.

All I can hope is that each time the repetitions happen, I’m able to listen and catch something important. It’s always good to have a community that reminds me to remember. We constantly go back to the source material, back to the people—you always have to go back and consult. That’s a cyclical thing, to be more than metaphorical, but maybe less than totally tangible. That’s what frequencies do: each sound oscillation is just a cyclical wave that comes and goes infinitely. Technically, if a sound goes out into the universe, it has the potential to go on forever. A light wave is the light cone.


A widespread, secret religion, whose followers believe that there is no God, no afterlife and no inherent meaning to existence. However, they also believe that life should be treasured and happiness is a good that should be pursued. Because the depressing truth of existence is counterproductive to achieving this goal, Liars endeavor to cultivate beautiful fabrications instead; among these fabrications are faiths, political movements, and high ideals, which are designed to improve upon history and mythology in order to increase the beauty of the world.

– from George R.R. Martin’s Thousand Worlds

…this chaos is generated out of a certain water that is not common, not out of Dew, nor Ayre condensed in the caverns of the Earth, or artificially in the Receiver; not out of water drawn out of the Sea, Fountains, Pitts, or Rivers, but out of a certain tortured water, that hath suffered some alteration, obvious it is to All, but known to very few. This water hath all in it that is necessarie to the perfection of the work, without any Extrinsecall Addition.

-Thomas Vaughan, Magica Adamica