Thomas Browne appears at No. 69 in the Oxford English Dictionary’s list of top cited sources. He has 775 entries in the OED of first usage of a word, is quoted in a total of 4131 entries of first evidence of a word, and is quoted 1596 times as first evidence of a particular meaning of a word. Examples of his coinages, many of which are of a scientific or medical nature, include ‘ambidextrous’, ‘antediluvian’, ‘analogous’, ‘approximate’, ‘ascetic’, ‘anomalous’, ‘carnivorous’, ‘coexistence’, ‘coma’, ‘compensate’, ‘computer’, ‘cryptography’, ‘cylindrical’, ‘disruption’, ‘ergotisms’, ‘electricity’, ‘exhaustion’, ‘ferocious’, ‘follicle’, ‘generator’, ‘gymnastic’, ‘hallucination’, ‘herbaceous’, ‘holocaust’, ‘insecurity’, ‘indigenous’, ‘jocularity’, ‘literary’, ‘locomotion’, ‘medical’, ‘migrant’, ‘mucous’, ‘prairie’, ‘prostate’, ‘polarity’, ‘precocious’, ‘pubescent’, ‘therapeutic’, ‘suicide’, ‘ulterior’, ‘ultimate’ and ‘veterinarian’.

Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible Sun within us.

– T Browne