“to agree politely and to reject angrily—
 how far are they apart from each other?
to find something beautiful and to find something ugly—
 in which way are these apart from each other?

if you are feared by others
 you will accordingly not be able to not fear them.
what desert! it never comes to an end!

the ordinary people are in a good mood—
 as if celebrating a great sacrifice
 or climbing the terraces in the spring.
i am serenely among them and do not show any sign,
 like an infant that does not yet smile.
what tiredness! as if there is no place to return to.
the ordinary people all have in abundance—
i alone have abandoned.
i have the heart of an idiot.

what simplicity!
the ordinary people are shining—
 i alone seem to be hidden.
the ordinary people are distinct—
 i alone am undifferentiated.
what barrenness! it is like the ocean.
what desert! as if it will never stop.
the ordinary people all have their purposes—
 i alone am so stupid, to the degree of a yokel.
my desires alone are different from those of the other people—
 and i esteem the nurturing mother of the dao.”
(Daodejing, 20)