The Prince of Paradox
If I could just understand
what makes the one become again.
If I could just understand
the gall to demand; that that
flourishes even inside me.
I will wet the dust.
I will bring the rains.
I will mold this wet earth into a fist.
By the campfire, it bakes, I sit.
These passing moments,
I will hold on to them
to enamel a softer gaze.
The fist lies in wait.
Violence never seems to sate.
Latent in the glance of a neighbor.
Paranoia waits for divinity at the locked door.
I sit and arrange a mosaic of shining things.
A well of light with which to cleave
the concrete,
for now
for form is suffering
and I can feel the wind starting to take me.
Oh, to be dust again!
Please don’t shield your eyes from me this time.