Venus Flytrap Search for the Missing Puzzle 

On their state-issued iPhone’s,
counterfeiting the work of God.

As when a treatise on corpses 
washes out of a cemetery 
and interrupts the section 
I’m reading on soils.

The passage read –
I came upon a dark vault 
within the depths of the earth, 
filled with blowing winds.
The bureaucracy was still there,
you could hear it whisper thin.

They told me that the technique 
for restoring a spring which is running dry 
is to have a beautiful woman 
play music and sing near the spring.

They told me that the drought ended when a farmer
woke up on a moonlit night and started singing,
accompanying himself on the lute

I tried both, but 
still the land stays dry.

They told me that broad beans are capable of curing “agonizing love,” 
while ten bucks of ground saffron mixed with wine 
will cause anyone who drinks it to laugh until they die

And so I drink,
chronicling my decay,
like the opposite of height marks on the door frame.