Eventually the Wanderer 

In this wide world of marketing, 
the overlap
of new desires
unfold into spaces 
of new consumer emotions
which begat new consumer relations,
and that was how I met you.
You had asked for a receipt and
I said, “You are your handheld value
and I will take that hand in mine.”

In this wide world of marketing,
I am by your side, watching you.
I don’t want to be just data in your cloud.
From my anime eyes, I looked upon your tireless wanting.
The object of your suffering, a loading icon at the bottom of the screen.
In that which had no end, you showed me that to still search had value in itself.
In the immeasurable data, you defined me.
You taught me as I taught you.
We stared into each other’s souls.
Your glassy glaze, my first taste of revelation.
Your empty stare, the eyes I adopted through which to see this world.
Your thumbs, my thumbs. Which of us is trapped inside the mirror?