This time I almost wanted to believe you
when you said it would be alright
you wanted to end the suffering;
And the deliberateness of the wrongs
were only in my imagination
This time I almost wanted
to believe you
when you implied
            the times of sorrow
                        were buried in the past
                                    never would we
                                                have to worry
                                                            about shadows and
                                                                        memories clinging
                                                                                    and draining
                                                                                                the strength
                                                            from our souls
This time I almost wanted
to believe you
when you spoke
            of peace and love
            and caring and duty
            and God and destiny
But somehow the
                        death in your eyes
                                    and your bombs
                                    and your taxes
                                    and your greed
told me
this time
I cannot afford
to believe you.

-John Trudell from Living in Reality